Recent Text Mssgs.....BAH!~
Yesterday....I blogged about my unhappy Uterus.....
& I am sure U understand,
because Aunt Flo, being the biotch,
that she is....
((deciding to take up residence & all for a few days.....))
I was forced to wage a comfy war...
I got home from work....
changed into PJ's...
grabbed the heating pad...
took two Alleves...
made myself a nice hot cup of tea...
& settled into a nice evening of movies, cuddle pups, nice big comforter & pillows.
I promptly fell asleep....
all comfy & warm...... =)
((U knew it wasn't going to last ....right?))
yeah...see....the evening before,
when I found out Auntie's itinerary
I had texted the boy who used to live here.....
knowing that his job route brings him close to the house on some days....
I asked if he had any stronger pain relievers to rid the effects of Aunt Flo?
He said he did...
I told him he could drop them off......
Well......I never got the pain relievers.....
I did get these lovely communications thru the nite......
3:14 PM --> (Boy) I told U, 1100 count sheets (which I bought him)are clean, ass is shaved, I'll soon be showered & there are 2 of those pills sitting on my headboards waiting for U
no text back
5:14 PM --> (Boy) so....ya coming
(ME) dude...I am on the couch all snuggled with the pups...& the heating pad...Y would I drive all that way (40 mins..rush hour traffic) for two pills?
5:20 PM --> (Boy) because I can help U in ways they can't.
(ME) ....::::wtf makes him think first of all all my pain....I am in the mood?...but most of has been 2.5 yrs since?....::::
My text answer.... NO Thank U
5:29 PM --> (Boy) The XXXXX (referring to himself in third person)...does make house calls but there will be a cost..The XXXXX has needs.
(ME) ::::Is he delusional??::::
no text back
6:20 PM -->(Boy) least my sheets are sping fresh and my arse is silky me later, i'll try to save them for U
(ME) text back : k
6:56 PM --> (Boy) Ok...the appropriate response top my last text would be thanx for saving those for me, if I feel better later or tmr, I'll drop by....again...hope U are feeling better.
(ME) :::dont even go there....he wouldnt know appropriate if it bit him in that silky smooth arse:::
7:17 PM --> (Boy) I seem to be doing all the work and taking all the risk in this relationship and asking & benefitting nothing in long do you think it will last????
(ME) :::relationship??!!...what fuckin risks ?? I care how long?:::
7:36 PM --> (Boy) Im not surprised...your loss..Have a nice day
(ME) ::::He must be drinking ....::::
10:23 PM --> (Boy) Unless you can give me a good reason for not responding to my thoughts and feelings tonite we're done. Take care and tell the girls i love them
(ME) ::::U have got to be fuckin kidding he's getting conditional on my ass?!?....which girls? tits or the pups?? WOW::::
1:43 AM -->(Boy) Thank much as you are my everything..I cant move forward and heal with you in still in my life.
(ME) :::: OK...most def....drunk....Y can't he just lose my number::::
& the piece de resistance.......
2:01 AM --> (Boy) Its amazing what you learn when people get really shitfaced....who in the fuck are you
I am thinking that he & my other previous roomie.....who now live together & have formed the x's of DrM hate drunk & swapped stories.....
would've killed to be a fly on that wall!!! LOL
Labels: FU_F's, RanTs, UpdateS