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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


~4298:yip~...safety~, originally uploaded by ~mintas.fotos~.

nite b4 last i blew the fuse for the dryer....
washing all the winter bedding.....
getting ready for summer....

& when i went out to the fuse box to see if i would be shopping for a new dryer.....
or if i had just blown a fuse....

i realized the box was accessible for anyone to peek inside.....

i could swear it used to have a lock on it?.....

because i live alone....
i do my best to protect myself ....
((i.e. ferocious dogs ((shush)), gun.....alarm system...))

but that's only useful if they get inside.....((god forbid))

so...today, i put a new lock on the box outside.....

i know this only slows them down....if they want in....they will find a way......

one can only hope to make it painful enough...
that they decide on another house .....

sad...but true.....

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Friday, April 25, 2008

~so ...this dog walks into a bar......~

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

~.....now i have A LOT of learning to do...so GO~

~click on this toy-goodness foto to see it on flickr......i have added notes on each item =)

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008


  1. r u serious?...lady...i was standing at the sink in the washroom...rinsing my contacts....u DID NOT just waltz out of the stall ...after flushing....& make a beeline for the door?!?!.....good god woman....we are at work!.....u are disgusting!.....((note to self....always use paper towel on handles in all areas of building......))

  2. what is it about two people walking towards each other who do not work together side by side...but perhaps pass each other in the building.....((which houses 1000's of people thru-out the day)) ....that can not....must not...WILL NOT make eye contact.....or say hi.....!?!?...am i the odd-ball here?..have i been out of the workforce too long this last hiatus?......jeezychreezy......its a simple acknowledgement... a simple nod, a simple smile, god forbid we take it up a notch & actually say HI!?!? .....fuckers

  3. what corporate organization that functions on a 24 hour basis ((IT industry)) has a cafeteria (shitty, dead-animal based, at that)) that closes at 1:30 in the afternoon?!?!.....i had to practically beg the sweet little Hispanic guy behind the deli to give me a scoop of egg salad......& a slice of cheddar cheese......then i thought i would get adventurous?....& bought the homemade ...ranch kettle chips?!?..um yeah....MISTAKE......i wouldn't care about the cafe closing at 1:30 if it weren't such a pain in the ass to go down there floors ...across the parking lot.....drive out of the gate secured campus.....go get lunch ....& make the trek back to my desk on the third floor (( in 100+ degree'd weather soon)).....

  4. Y does my dog KorKor make it her personal mission in life to chew every pen possible that she can get a hold of?......she has even figured out that there is a plethora of them on the desk .....so when momma is at work?! pen par-TAY!.... ordered new pens from staples last nite.....& will now need to put the pen-bucket up on the bookshelf......gotta luv a smart dog...i think she secretly wants some 'ink' on that pearly white bod of hers......

  5. ok...not sure if you all in other parts of the country have this issue......Pixie & veritably bare can prolly relate since they live in southern states......but ....people! ..this is a corporate ((really nice, newly built)) building ......if you come from a country, home. neighborhood, or upbringing that required (s) you to place your toilet paper not in the toilet .....due to poor plumbing issues......that DOES NOT mean it is necessary to just throw it on the ground below the toilets here !?!?....R U KIDDING ME!...come on!......GROSS!.....

~ok....got that out of my system..WHEW!.thanx for listening...tomrw is FRIDAY!! toodles...~

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

~1 word~

You Can Only Type One Word

1. Where is your cell phone? desk

2. Your significant other? enigma

3. Your hair? pony

4. Your mother? tiny

5. Your father? stable

6. Your favorite things? emotions

7. Your dream last night? french

8. Your favorite drink? dew

9. Your dream/goal? finish

10. The room you’re in? office

11. Your ex? unknown

12. Your fear? failure

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? entrepreneur

14. Where were you last night? home

15. What you’re not? quiet

16. Muffins? carrot

17. One of your wish list items? horse

18. Where you grew up? wi

19. The last thing you did? rinsed

20. What you are wearing? camo

21. Your TV? HD

22. Your pets? Dogs

23. Your computer? On

24. Your life? filled

25. Your mood? tired

26. Missing someone? no

27. Your car? mitsubishi

28. Something you’re not wearing? makeup

29. Favorite store? candles

30. Your summer? HOT

31. Like someone? no

32. Your favorite color? purple

33. Last time you laughed? today

34. Last time you cried? today

35. Who will respond or resend this?


Thursday, April 17, 2008

~my new fave work relief~

funny graphs
see more funny graphs

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Friday, April 11, 2008


lots of stuff swimming in the doc2b's noggin...
will try to stay linear as i explain...
but it is saturday...therefore not required...
but i will try...

monday I had a WONDERFUL conversation w/someone who has become a new 'friend'.....
but was previously a tenured "aware of each-other" guy ...
in other words.....
when i was in 7th grade...he was in 8th...lol...
he would tease me in school & brought his friend along (as the wingman) to deal w/ me when he wanted to get into my 'easier' girlfriends panties at 'willow wood park' ...
i am not even sure what brought about our exchanging emails...& now phone calls....
but we have been 'talking' for about a yr or so....
i guess to sum the whole experience up?
there are nice guys out there...
good fathers....
the only problem?....
i can't find one here in az...
u see Thom is still back in the midwest...
where people tend to still have that 'real people' mindset...
u follow me?....

which brings me to TH's nite experience...
which i am still mulling over....
i participated in a live streaming ustream TV chat...
& i although i didn't mean to ....i managed to monopolize the conversation...
i know u're not surprised.....

i asked the men in the conversation questions about the type of women they prefer...,
i asked how they felt about smart girls....girls who own their own home....who have jobs, goals, responsibilities...etc....((get where i was going ?))
yeah....i was asking for myself....
w/out explaining the whole thing....
& no.....
i did not get any real answers....nor did i leave that feeling any better about myself....my situation...my future lovelife possibilities....
they actually confirmed my fears w/out even realizing it.....
they made fun of my braininess......my IQ....
ribbed me for talking about my failure of two marriages...& brought it all down to sex ...
big surprise again...
of course they wanted to see pics....lol
because they could not fathom talking about the situation w/out deciding on their own if they would 'hit that'.....
i left that conversation more confused about it all than before it started......

first week at work was just that...
still getting settled in....
good to see familiar faces...
HATE getting up in the am...
can not get my ass to bed at a reasonable hour....
babies are all adjusting to momma being gone all day....
thankful that i am only 10 minutes away...
& can go home for lunch each day to get a snuggle & let them out to go potty....
i am, however, really enjoying getting a paycheck again....=)

this week has been HELL for my allergies...
itchy eyes.....
sneezing, sneezing & more sneezing....feeling wiped out from trying zyrtec ....
decided on claritin instead...

i have not had any real time to get any foto-fun in....
that saddens me....
as i still have a couple rolls to finish in the lomo fish-eye...
& want to get a good day in focusing just on the hasselblad.....
perhaps tmrw?....

i did manage to order & install a wacom editing tablet...
NO MORE MOUSE editing pain!
ever try to edit a layer off cactus spines?...um yeah...
can we say carpel tunnel?...
the additional bene to getting the wacom....
is the opportunity i had (& took) to order PS CS3 for over 1/2 off .....
(also a gr8 writeoff for next yrs taxes for the bus)

i installed it last nite...
& although i anticipate a steep learning curve?...
i am soooo looking forward to it.....

i paid bills today....
& am waiting anxiously (another 2 wks or so)
for my school funds to show....
i can pay some big chunks on some outstanding bills...
& it will feel really good to have those paid....

getting closer to ordering the D300 & all her accessories....
she has an additional 300.00 rebate currently .....
& of course all the bells/ whistles i want are 'currently instock'....
u have NO idea the amount of control i have exhibited this last week .....
it has been painful to not hit that 'order' button.....
even more painful because my new amex bus plat card is 0% interest thru the end of the yr!.......
any bets on how long i hold out?...........=)

i anticipate depositing my next reservation funds check right back into the savings accts....
both for the house & my health savings.....
i burned thru both while i was off...

ok....i really must get to my list of to-do's around here.....& get some shite done so maybe i can play tomrw....
toodles poodles....

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Saturday, April 05, 2008

~ update time ~

new jobby...new window seat....new kicks....new speedy 'puter....=)

AZ Tattoo Convention....
this guy was getting an aztec design tattoo'd to the side of his head...OUCH!

New skull for the Dias de los Muertos celebration =) .....rest of the yr?....
on the piano...

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