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Sunday, November 30, 2008

~11298:YIP~...new baby degu's~

new babies...
have not named them yet.....
not even sure what sex they are....

they are DEGU's....
originally from Chili S. America....
can live up to 13 yrs in captivity....
usually 8-9.

cute a lil buttons.....VERY social......can die of broken heart if alone... =(

very smart too....& quite the little chatterbugs too.

kinda like squirrels in that respect.....have a noise for everything....
it shall be a learning experience for me...
& i am looking forward to it.... =)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

~happy howeverucelebratethisday all ~

being native american...
i dont celebrate this day in the same light as most of you ....

i do give thanx tho for my health, friends, & my furkids =)

be safe out there in your celebrations & travels....k?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

~be prepared to faint from the cuteness!~


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

~proud to say ....~

~proud to say ....~
Originally uploaded by ~mintas.fotos~
still digesting that very moving speech...
& the image of this nations first non-Caucasian first family ...
what a beautiful thing to see...

i for one ....
am very excited to see what changes this nation will be experiencing....

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Monday, November 03, 2008

~i'm still around....ru?~

yeah...i know...my blogging as of late ...sux ...
call it depression..
call it loss of mojo,,,
& i am not referring to pixies pup...

call it what u will...
but it seems i am happier taking foto's ..
or reading than writing these days...

still not job...
not really been looking so....i really shouldnt complain...
i was all gun-ho about it all for a while there...
but lost my momentum after all the no answers...rejection letters & stalling by recruiters....

not sure what the fuck i am going to do .....

& lets not even get started talkin about my fucked up family...
not my dad...
he seems to be the only one back there who has any sort of decorum...manners...common courtesy...
but the rest of em?
big ole box of crazy......

& i' m not interested in lookin in side....
unpackin it...
or even lifting the damn thing into the house...
it can stay at the curb for all i care...
& get taken to the dump with the rest of the garbage around here...

off to look for a yobby...clean the house & maye take some fotos....
toodles poodles..