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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Current Poll Discussion Area

So...this week, I wondered just who, out there, is reading this blog anyway? Im always interested in where people originate. Some people's ancestoral traits are easier to guess than others, while others are surprising once they are revealed.
more interesting to me though....is the traditions, stories, practices, and family habits which are handed down from one generation to the next.

Being native american, raised off the res...by parents of Swedish and Scottish decent, the traditions and practices of my upbrining were VERY different from those I would have experienced if not adopted. As a child I didnt think twice about this....but as I grow older, I find myself investigating more and more into my tribal activities and how children are raised on the reservation.

This weeks POLL only allows 20 spaces for answers.....so...I apologize if your country of origin was not listed......Please post your answer here =) I would love to hear if there is a unique or interesting tradition your family passed along to U, or if you have started one of your own to pass to your children!

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Super-Power Poll Results =)

What SuperHero Power would U most want ?

Xray Vision
1 vote
Freeze your immediate surroundings & the people in it.
2 votes
Mind Reading
2 votes
Erase 1 Mistake U Made
2 votes
Heal People &/or Animals
2 votes
Predict the Future
1 vote
Speak to others in their head (power of suggestion)
1 vote
Make people tell the truth
3 votes
Time Travel
4 votes
Other (post in results from Education POLL)
1 vote
****Interesting how the greatest number of responses dealt with time travel. Which way did these people want to travel?...backwards or to the future?....Did they wish to change the outcome of past actions?....or did they wish to find out the results of their present actions?****


Bubba (the Blue & Gold) is being "disciplined" for his screaming fits as of late. He also was the cause of all the woodwork damage that I spent a day and a half repairing!! He decided that the windowsill was there to "perforate". Chicken insisted on being in the picture....she kept leaning into the scene....so i gave up & left her in it =)

As I previously posted, these two beauties are (L-R) Ms. Fontaine and Chicken. Chicken was not originally known by this silly name.....she came to visit with the name of Walter. Then Walter laid an egg?!?! I had come to refer to her as my pretty chicken.....and well over time, the name just stuck.

Heres my crazy girl - Chicken.....being rather nosey about the camera!!! She just kep repeating "HIIII!!!.....HI--III!!!" Almost makes me wonder if she understands the whole concept of her image being taken to be shared with other!?......

Monday, March 27, 2006

Busy Busy little Bee!!!

'Chicken' is on the right and Ms. Fontaine is on the left.....U cant really tell in this pic but she is waving to U!! LOL

YES!! ...I am still around ......I apologize for appearing to disappear off the face of BLOGLAND! More pics to come......but I have to get to the gym......check back later tonite =)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Saint Patricks Everyone!


My lttle Zoe-ster Coester buglet is 1 year old tomarrow!! In the spirit of St. Patty's Day celebrations.....we took her to 1st visit to the 3 Dog Bakery at the Biltmore =) As you can see she felt her profile shot was the bomb as Stuart held her for her close-up. Phoebe, the store mascot, greeted her in the usual doggie manner & we picked out Festive-wear while her B-day cake was decorated.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Successful Rescue =)

Good deed for the day .....rescuing the possible future Peter Cottontail!!!! This little guy is safe and sound at the Adobe Wildlife Rescue Center here in AZ. He was the only survivor in his little den of Cottontail Bunnies. A min-pin decided to investigate under a bush and either scared the rest off or sent them on a permanent vacation (thats what I told Bun-bun). I entertained thoughts of bringing him home and feeding him wildbunny food on the hour...but then what? I have little dogs (MinPins are natural hunters) that would've been tortured with the little guy being in the house. Besides...after hes a little bigger....the rehab people expose them to the outside and release them back into the wild (where he belongs). So....I did the adult thing (even though my inner child wanted to keep him =)

*** Friday EDIT***

Little BunBon passed on to romp in the green fields with his brothers and sisters who preceded him the day before yesterday =( I called the Adobe wildlife center this am and was informed that he did get put into the incubator last nite, but this am was found already passed. Im not sure if it was the "tone" of the girl who told me this.....or the fact that I heard another employee coaching her on what to tell me in the background that just pissed me off. Maybe it was the cardboard box (huge and scattered with other animal poop throughout) that they placed him in after I had ensured he was warm and felt cared for during his transport. I know some may say "M, he was just a bunny"....but in Buddhism...he was not "just a bunny". He was not a lower life form than me, he was not something to discard, or eat for that matter. He was another sentient being...perhaps someone reincarnated that I once knew. Because of these beliefs, I was very saddened for him as I imagined him passing all alone sometime during the nite. I wish I could've held his little body as he went to join his family........Namaste'

Monday, March 13, 2006

Okay... I know U are saying..."ah M?...U arent working...whats the delay on the results and where is the new POLL"? I apologize.....just working on getting shit done around the house and some days the 'puter doesnt get the usual attn.

Lastest POLL question: What level of Education do my BLOG readers (who particpated) have?Graduated High School 0%
Got my GED 0%
Started college...but didnt finish 38%
Have a BA, BS or other type of 4 -yr Undergrad degree 15%
Have a Nursing Degree 8%
Have a LAW degree 8%
Have a masters level degree 23%
Have a PhD 8%

** Keep in mind ...the %'s are reflective of the # of participants***

Accomplishments as of late =)

Okay...so it seems BLOGLAND traffic has been a bit scant ....for myself and others. I'm noticing this "state" as I surf my usual reads. In an effort to feel like my unemployed existance isnt for not...I thought I would list some recent accomplisments.

  1. Emptied my closet
  2. vacuumed dustbunnies that rivaled ZOE in size from the back of the closet
  3. Organized and put approx 90 pairs of shoes, boots, sandals, clogs into plastic containers.
  4. I will label them this week!
  5. Donated a big box of "career" and other various types of clothing in closet cleaning.
  6. Removed any plastic hangers and replaced with matching wooden hangers.
  7. Created a weekly/monthly budget of necessary / luxury expenses to post on frig. as I will soon be totally responsible for all.
  8. Calculated what that means in regards to a wage needed for negotiating with recruiters.
  9. Debated on calling Dad for funds for the first time in my adult life instead of trying to work full time AND write the dissertation. If I didnt have this rediculous level of pride...(I cant do it myself!)....I wouldve made that call already.
  10. Gave bearded dragons a fresh aquarium..with new crushed walnut substrate. Scrubbed all hiding aparatus, feeding and watering bowls.
  11. Gave Beardies a bath =)
  12. Completely scrubbed out other HUGE tank thats been sitting empty since female beardy moved into smaller male beardie's tank.
  13. Cleaned out crates for babies (ZOE, BELLA, Kory) if need be (once I start working again) because they cant seem to stay out of trouble running in the kitchen with the new baby gate separating them from the rest of the house.
  14. Washed the curtains hanging in family room.
  15. Took paperwork to accountant to file taxes.
  16. Got paperwork ready to file for financial aide '06-'07.
  17. Filed all PI paperwork for credentials, testing papers, and backround check.
  18. Filed concealed weapons permit paperwork. (took 19.00 to mail that shit out!)
  19. Shopped for a weapon.
  20. Got my ASS back in the gym....(and have been suffering from doing lunges for the last two days!)
  21. Agreed to a challenge whereby my workout partner and I show eachother how far away we are from fitting into our "skinny"pants in person. ( I will need to wear a REALLY pretty thong....because those skinny pants are not gonna make it over my booty !!!)
  22. Went to King Kong....CRIED!
  23. Read my "how to write a dissertation proposal" book.
  24. Worked on finding a really easy study to duplicate for my dissertation.
  25. Filed for unemployment.

Okay....I dont feel so bad now! ...I guess I just needed to write it all down. I gotta find a JOB this week..or at least get my recruiters hoppin on it so by month end something is in the works. I anticipate reservation funds, unemployment (soon to start), and financial aide overage funds to show in April....but I really don't want to burn thru savings. Ya know?....Besides I'm really starting to enjoy this "no working thing"...Soccer moms who don't work have it made.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

~Nothing says Shopping like WEAPONS!~

So....today I went shopping.....for my new "little friend" (read in your best Pachino voice).

I have done my research at some gun shops as well as on the internet and have decided on the Springfield XD 9MM.

I have the Springfield over my friends GLOCK 23 I practiced with prior to the CCW class and the GLOCK 99 I tested with. This little beauty (did I just type that?) has many little cool bells and whistles.

In addition to the immediately accurate sights (on the GLOCKS U need to lower the nose out the barrel and bring back up to the target), it has two separate indicators that tell U the weapon is cocked (I like saying that...cocked!) ...and that there is a round in the chamber.

The magazine release is on both sides of the grip (for those lefties or if your good wing is down). It has a metal magazine which makes the grip a little narrower (for my little female hands) and at the back of the grip, there is a lever that your hand has to be around in order for the gun to fire.The slide will not even move if your hand is not around the grip (akin to the digital cameras that will not work unless your hot little hand is around the grip).

Last, the trigger is SMOOTH, and has a little safety trigger in the middle of the bigger trigger that must all be pulled together in order for the gun to fire.All in all ....I like this weapon. It has good weight, a great price, and not to big, to carry concealed.



Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Interesting tidbit ....

so.... I was at this house party over the weekend.....and the female house occupant whispered something to her male co-occupant...got up and sauntered off. He said something to the fact...good luck ...and Im happy for U ?!

Of course ....(only because my filter was off due to the alcohol) I asked what that was all about?.....he said loudly...dont worry hon...I wont reveal your secret! .....so I of course (see previous disclaimer) had to be in the know.

He proceeded to inform the group that she has discovered a sure-fire (no pun intended) way to poop. He demonstrated that she holds her legs straight out in front of her and oui-la! No 2!

Any thoughts out there???........

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

~~~I say and U think~~~

1. Upgrade:: Costs
2. Happy ending:: Fairy Tale
3. Stale:: Air
4. Tripping:: the light fantastic
5. Working:: order
6. Explicit:: Content!
7. Happy place:: PEACE
8. Tornado:: Auntie M
9. Medication:: aging
10. Muppet:: Ms Piggy & her LUV Kermy!

TO play ?....Click below :

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Well do ya?.....PUNK!

Okay....not sure what type of reaction I will be getting from BLOGLAND on this one, but I have news!

This past weekend I took classes and tested at 100% out at "the Range"......Yes..people, I qualified for my concealed weapons permit!

Now..b4 you get your panties in a big ole bundle between your cheeks; lets discuss:

WHY I will be packin heat!

  1. Her PhD concentration of study is in Forensic Criminal Psychology
  2. She is a member of the IPIU (International Private Investigations Union)
  3. After she gets her PI license, the job market possibilities will open up to who knows what...and she wants to be able to jump right in when the opportunities present themselves.
  4. She lives in AZ .....DUH!
  5. um....the police/law enforcement pants make her ASS like great.
  6. and last....it was on her life list which now has a check, check next to it =)

Okay....Im ready.......leave a comment and blast away.... just remember tho....I tested at 100% on all three aspects....the written, the simulation AND the range!!! (some of the boys noses were a little....okay...a lot of out of joint when they didnt shoot as well! ) LOL


Thursday, March 02, 2006


Call me PINKY!!

Okay...so am I just a little crazy? I went to get my hair cut and colored (every 8 weeks) and the ZOEster Coaster went to the Salon (upon demand of my colorist) !

Of course EVERYone Just loves her ......and my colorist HAD to reward her cuteness with a little special color of her own to take home!! LOL

I present ....PINKY.... First picture shows her "can we PLEASE stop with the picture!!".......and the second one is her with her sisters having brunch....(l-R) Kory, Pinky, and Bella :)