\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Monday, April 30, 2007

~~~Flintstones...Meet the Flintstones~~~

I am NOT the only one who see it ....am I
Oh.....he is sooooooo gonna kill me =)

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~~Pay AttN to this DaY!!~~

At three minutes and four seconds after 2 AM on
the 6th of May this year, the time and date will be 02:03:04 05/06/07.
This will never happen again


Saturday, April 28, 2007

~~I say & U ThinK~~

Hey.......do U think DrM's BF's know to put their answers in the comments??

Order ::
Mortician ::
Determine ::
Ignore ::
Guy ::
Train ::
Garlic ::
Wacky ::
Parent ::
Burning ::

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~~What I've Learned Recently~~

  1. Sleep is over-rated
  2. DVR is a wonderful thing =)
  3. There exists a positive correlation to cleaning the pool & AZ windstorms which is akin to washing ones car & rain in other parts of the country.
  4. I may have met my match...& this isn't a dream.
  5. I may have to accept the reality that my puppers do not miss me as much as I miss them thru-out the day
  6. no.5 is a direct result of the new doggy door
  7. I will NEVER read all the magazines I have waiting for me.
  8. There R not enough hours in the day
  9. no matter the level of my tech skillz....I am dumbfounded on how to merge my ipod libraries!!
  10. There is NO graceful way to get in or out of a hot tub.....but I really don't care!!

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Friday, April 27, 2007

~~Roller Girlz, Rock-n-Roll, & Remodeling~~

Yeah yeah
I know......
& I AM sorry.....
been rather lax...
in my postings...
my "finding the funny in the nothing"...
& well...yes...my usual brilliance

However!!....for the record?....
U HAVE been in my thoughts ...
In fact ....each and every time I threaten others with ....
"oh...I am sooooo going to blog that!!"....
I try to imagine what my BF's would be thinking at that moment.

I think I play that mental game more so than not with U all ....than my RL friends......
mmmm....I may have to examine that.....

later tho......
cause I know U'd rather read an update....
so....lets get to it bitches.....

Here are a couple pictures from John Voss.....
(he is the guy with the frisbee in the picture....) D & I met him at the ZZTOP concert....
last week......
who is D??..
um.....If I told U...I'd have to kill ....
lets just say.....we've been spending A LOT of time together.....
& I think I am going to check with him b4 saying anything more.....=)

anywho...back to the concert.....
yes...we were second row....PIT seats......
um.....just how old are those ZZ guys? John Voss was this crazy dude in front of us....
& for all appearance's.....
he seemed to be an out of towner who managed to score front row tickets...
didn't have "AZ" clothing.....
& decided to wear knaki shorts with black socks and penny loafers......
well....after talking to him later.....
we find out he is in fact a native AZ-ion
works at a Basha's in Scottsdale...
plays professional Frisbee...
is quite the party animal......& the loafers are his claim to fame....
cause they "stick" best when throwing his world-record attempt frisbee tosses!!

all that aside....the guy was hilarious.
He almost got the shit beat out of him by some big biker dude .....
Y?...U ask?.....
well....John thought biker dudes girl was a hottie.....
errr.....so did D & I....
but we weren't trying to get a picture of her tits!!
He managed to cop a feel from some other groupie he hooked up with mid concert.....& we had front row seats to allllll that......
yeah....so anyway......at the end of the eve...I asked John to send me some of the pics....
& there they are.....
& yes.....we were THAT close....
Thanx again D for a gr8 eve!!!
Next.....U'll notice I put 'Roller Girlz" in the title.....
Roller girl is one of many here in the valley.....
Do U have Roller Derby Tourny's in your area?.....
apparently it is pretty big here in AZ...
D had the pleasure of being invited to one of Roller Girlz matches.....
& they were at the HardRock Cafe event the nite of ZZTOP.....
which is where John Voss scored his UBER righteous front row tickets...... I think the best line of the eve, however, .....came from John Voss's buddy.....
who appeared to D & I to have seen a 'few things" in his day...
been there, done that ......kind of guy..
when I asked what he thought of the Roller Girlz?
the look on his face was one of slight bewonderment.....
& I quote..."yeah...they were there.....whew!.....((rolls eyes)) rather HARDCORE if you ask me"....
Of course.....D & I are planning to attend at least one match.....
yes..........if possible?...
I will post pics..... =)

Stubeans ((& yes girls....he still available!!)) was over last weekend......
In addition to the installation of a new beautiful fan above my bed.....the new light fixture ......
((so one does not bang head anymore getting to computers.....)),
the new little doggie door was installed.....
I have pics....but I also have the new Photoshop....
& a huge learning curve came with it!!
I should have more pics posted this weekend...... =)

ok....must get to work.....Its FRIDAY!!!.....TOODLES POODLES......

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

~~Boris & Natasha Morning IM Session~~

Boris: natasha? ver are u?

Natasha: I am in Vitnessss Protection dahlingk......

vhat are u doing?
i mean doingk


did u receive my mezzahg dahlingk

Natasha: verkingk my uber-foreign tushy off!!!
vaaaht mezzahg?

i'm loolingk for z cd

ah......zee Tela-vizon songz cd..yah?

yez, zat is ze code vord

I vill B gracing U vitth my beauty 2day.....I vill bring zaid item....

i like zpellingk in german, yah?

yah!...uber hawt!!

undt talkingk in german


do u have ze spezial package?

zee uber hawt & disciplined Krauts might say we really r' nt tho.......
Natasha: silly silly

stop stallingk, Natasha! VERE IZ ZE PACKAGE!
I vill have to torture you, yah! Vith some naughty spankingz

Natasha: DO NAAAHT yell.........I can .....& vill......have u tortured...ve have vaaaays U know.........
ze pckg is secure….or may---beee nawt…..U mention spankingz???

are ve talkingk about the cd still?

couuuuuuld b..........

Boris: are u at hhome, darlingk

Natasha: couuuuld not b...........
still in PJ's


must get in zee shower .......get uber hawtiness ready for dizplay.....& come in for meetings

Boris: I need ze package today. Vill I have to zend in a team 2 acquire it?

Natasha: now zaht actually soundz like fun.......

Boris: well, when I say team, I mean......me

Natasha: I will bring ze pckg .........
Natasha: oh!
not sure ze wife would approve.......

Boris: so, sorry no military personnel crashingk thru your vindows…dahlingk

oh vell
Natasha: U vear camo at least..yah??....4 Natasha??

Boris: lol

U know I drool over zee men in uni’s!

sure... a camo thong

add accent ....& vell….
Natasha: capuuuuuut


had a visual!!!

Boris: i do have that affect on zee vomen

U're dancing to ABBA too =)

especially when IMing


Boris: ouch, I thinking I sending the wrong picture here

Natasha: nah!
Natasha: LUV funny......
Natasha: the funnier the hawter in Tash's book

Boris: alright…so…Tash….ven..R U comingk into headquarters?

Natasha: I shall be there vithin—zee hour…..must run to zee post office on vay in
Natasha: did I tell I I vent to PIR last weekend Boris??

Boris: exzellent! I will most likely be on my vay out zen, cuz i am under zee veather today

Natasha: oh....sorry
Natasha: allergies?

Boris: nope, bet it vas nice though...yah?
Boris: no, uber cold

Natasha: it vas Tash's first ....
Natasha: race virgin here

Boris: oh, but not your first WT experience though right?

Natasha: did the headset walkie talkies ....pit passes.....uber princess style
Natasha: I managed to get some GR8 bubba pics too!!

Boris: sweet

Natasha: mullet.....big belly u know
Natasha: quite the experience
Natasha: i must say
Natasha: slice of americana

Boris: u vill have to share the experience. I'm sure it's on your blog

Natasha: whole different breed of peeps
Natasha: I am still sifting thru all the pics
Natasha: but yah
Natasha: it vill be quite zee post
Natasha: da......
Natasha: must go get hawt
Natasha: I'll sving by U'R location.....ven I arrive!!
Natasha: toodles poodles

Boris: until zen

Natasha: auf----
Natasha: wiener
Natasha: zaaaaaane

Boris: hiel

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


1. What one piece of sage relationship advice would you give your child (or niece/nephew or friend). Explore...push the limits....communicate...listen actively....be vulnerable....DO NOT SETTLE!....don't go to bed angry....have a sense of humor....etc.....u know....just treat others the way u want to be treated.
2. When was the last time you left a passion mark Or had one left on you? (A passion mark is an unintentional physical manifestation of an act of passion: a hickey left in the heat of the moment; fingernail or teeth marks that last for more than an hour, a bump on your head from slamming into the headboard could even count). 36 HRS AGO
3. When was the last time you had sex in a car? YRs ago ::::le sigh::::
4. Have you ever had an orgasm in a public conveyance? Yes heehee
5. Have you ever had an orgasm with someone other than your partner (or partners) present? um....Yes..... :::blushes:::

Bonus (as in optional): You are strolling along in the mall with your S.O. (hypothetical if necessary) A young same sex as your S.O. is approaching from the opposite direction and will pass within feet of you. (S)he is attractive and has magnificent body. Describe your reaction.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

~~Is this REALLY a surprise?~~

You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.









Blind Folds




What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

~~HNT 4 19 07 ~~

At the 'Puter.....as usual...... =)


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

~~Pure Liquid Sunshine~~

Did U know:

Alternative-health practitioners have long preached the benefits of wheatgrass due largely to its chlorophyll content, the pigment that gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight necessary for photosynthesis, hence the term "liquid sunshine".

Wheatgrass juices boasts 60% of the body's recommended daily allowance for vitamin K in a one-ounce shot. Vit K is necessary for blood clotting.

Wheatgrass also contains tons of enzymes, the complex protein compounds that speed up metabolic reactions and aids in digestion. And last, but certainly not least, these lovable little lawns offer the magical chemical known as chlorophyll.

Chlorphyll helps boost your immune system, fight off free radicals, promote better circulation, and improve energy.

Keep in mind, that wheatgrass must be cut or harvested within a day or two of reaching maturity in order to yield its max nutrients ( gain highest quantities of all the amino acids, vitamins, iron and vitamin K).

Experts recommend up to two ounces of fresh-squeezed wheatgrass juice daily.

Y should U start participate in something that reminds U your lawn needs attending?.....

** cleanses & detoxifies your blood

** helps make skin look gr8

** assists in digestion

**helps metabolize energy and fat

**helps booster your immune system!!

ok....getting back down off soap-box.........I have things to do!!

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~~DrM's 1985 Performance Review~~

As I was going thru old papers...
trying to de-clutter.....
I found this treasure...
which clearly demonstrates why we...
as humans...
tend to hang onto shit.
This my friends .....
is hilarious........

When?...Summer of 1985...
Where?.....college...University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Who?...the woman who lorded over me My leader, Sue Mettille,
satan spawn with bighair restaurant manager
What?....wrote this "Employee Performance Review".

OK....first category: Quantity of work: Amount of work done; speed of work;time required; constancy of productive status.
DrM2B's Rating?....
Tie between Needs Improvement & Satisfactory.
Her reasoning?
Her speed is very good, however I feel she could be more productive when not waiting on tables - has to be told to keep busy sometimes

(( I am crying I am laughing so hard as I write this.....))...

Next Category: Quality of work: Accuracy of work; quality of performance (considers errors, etc) observance of established policies, standards, procedures, methods, etc.
Rating: Needs Improvement.
Satan's reasoning?
When management is not around she sometimes follows her own procedures - this is corporate structure!!! ((notice the multi exclamation points))....
:::wipes tears:::
When management IS around...she does things the right way....
for some......
not for others....
depending on who is asking!!
((again with the multi exclamations!!...<-- oops....lol))

Next Category: Attitude & Relationships with Others: Courtesy, cooperativeness with and acceptance of guests, supervisor, other employees.
Lets say it together shall we??....
Needs Improvement....
Bitches Reasoning?
She is VERY aggressive with customers and sometimes "rude".....((moi???!!))....She has a lot to learn about the people pleasing business. She is also very defensive with management when approached with a problem or suggestion. Don't be so pushy with everyone -- slow down and learn more. ((what??...no exclamations??))

OK....Personal Appearance:Dress, grooming, personal hygiene, personal habits, conformity with policies and rules.
OKAY!! ((again.....)) however, has to be told to keep her hair up! ((to be fair....it was toooo pretty not to...& it hurt to keep it in a pony for too long....can I help it if I had more hair than her?!?!))

Work Habits: Safety, sanitation, cleanliness, housekeeping, use of tools, equipment and materials, conformity with standards & procedures.
DrM2B does fine in this area!

Last Category: Dependability: Attendance, loyalty, amt of supervision required , honesty, observance of standards & conduct.
Rating?Tie between Needs improvement & Satisfactory.
Reasoning: DrM2B's attendance is pretty good but I feel she requires supervision because of her clowning around!!! ((<--wow....3 this time))

Overall Rating??
Say it with me!!

& the best part......
Satan's comments & recommendations regarding performance, improvements or training needed, promotability, etc.

DrM2B is a VERY intelligent ((wow..she got one thing right....hahahaha! )).....
...girl..who is VERY aggressive!! ((Yeah babeeeee......RAWR!)).....

She needs to either go into a different line of work ((read as 'get out of my hair')).....

or change her attitude as far as dealing with customers & supervisors ((like that was evah gonna happen....mmmph!....wait....so my peers LUVED me then?? ))

She needs to take criticism ((err...that's Sue's first mistake.....perhaps we should go with constructive suggestions??))....

& try ALOT more listening.......You're not always right!!

(((OMG...that last line is the BEST!!!)))

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~~Hump Day Funny~~

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


1. My biggest sexual turnoff is Selfishness?
2. Do you prefer natural tastes or flavored lubes? Natural
3. How much money would it take to convince you to get on stage naked? I could get paid for that? KEWL!
4. Have you ever been to an AA meeting or similar support group meeting? NO
5. Do you wear socks to bed? Is that okay or totally unsexy? Its cute if they are cuddly big winter smooshie sox.....but then they come off ......when its GO TIME...

Bonus (as in optional): Ever been arrested? Turned someone in/had someone arrested? Never arrested.......NO, never had anyone arrested either.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

~~I say & U think~~

Here we R again....
quite honestly....
I am a bit disappointed in U people....
Lurking is not attractive....
if U take the time to stop by....
Y not play??
I promise not to bite...
((well...unless U ask me tooo))
now get to it.....
answers R in the comments...
as usual.....
& yes...the time stamp on this IS correct.....
4:17 am...
seems I got toooo much sleep this am...
((well...some of U would still be shut-eye deprived...))
but for me.....it was glorious!!

Freeze ::
Naturally ::
Painting ::
Merits ::
Ironic ::
Survival ::
Cow ::
Anchor ::
Sisters ::
70 ::

Go HERE to learn more 'bout this......

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

~~Happy Birthday OS-Man!!~~

10 spankings each --> little couple!!! 10

Hope U had a wonderful celebration of your birth Obasso!!!

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

~~Added to my 'list'~~

The World's First All-glass Undersea Restaurant Opens

The Maldives
15 April marks the day that the first ever
all-glass undersea restaurant in the world
opens its doors for business
at the Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa.
Visitors will sit five meters below the waves of the Indian Ocean,
surrounded by a vibrant coral reef
& encased in clear acrylic.
The restaurant offers diners 270-degrees of panoramic underwater views.
"We have used aquarium technology to put diners face-to-face with the stunning underwater environment of the Maldives ",
says Carsten Schieck, General Manager of Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa.
"Our guests always comment on being blown away by the colour, clarity, and beauty of the underwater world in the Maldives , so it seemed the perfect idea to build a restaurant where diners can experience fine cuisine and take time to enjoy the views - without ever getting their feet wet." Created by MJ Murphy Ltd, a design consultancy based in New Zealand
The distinctive feature is the use of curved transparent acrylic walls and roof,
similar to those used in aquarium attractions.

"The fact that the entire restaurant except for the floor is made of clear acrylic
makes this unique in the world,"
"We are currently planting a coral garden on the reef to add to the spectacular views of the rays, sharks and many colorful fish that live around the area. "


Friday, April 13, 2007

~~mmm...Tastes like GRASS...BLECH~~~

My daily 'Jamba Juice' shot of wheatgrass...
w/ an OJ chaser........

((ok.....shouldn't the O J be served in a little white bronco!!))


I think I've lost my mind.....too many vit-a-mins
can that happen??

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

~~Gotta LUV her!!~~

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


1. Stubble... good or bad? BAD....BAD.....BAD!!!How often do you shave? If not waxed......everytime I am in the shower.
2. How often do you kiss (read make out) with your so? Everychance possible...I LUV to kiss....
3. Have you ever placed a personal ad or answered a personal ad? Of course....how else do busy professionals meet others with the same interests?
4. Where was the first place you ever had sex? In a tent...on the Peshtigo River Raft Trip...camp MiniKani....counselor training....w/ Eric Zabel....& Britta/her SO. Freak from the start....LOL
5. After a night of great sex, who do you tell? How much? I don't have to tell....it is written all over my face.....err.....well ...& my freshly fucked haird....

Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever kissed your partner on the lips after oral sex without brushing teeth, nor washing/gargling/rinsing out mouth? Turn on or off? All the time......Y wouldnt U? If you expect your partner to go down on you.....& give it a real go.....then Y would U be afraid or repulsed by the juices you are asking them to get jiggy with?? ........& its a TOTAL turn-on.....

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Monday, April 09, 2007


Ever feel as if...
there just are NOT enough hrs in the day?....
I have...
more oft than not...
tonite I plan on 'catching up'.....
attacking that ever-growing
todo list.......
right now I am ripping music into the new tower .....
to play in the house
& sync with the ipod......
Chix is screamin at the top of her birdy lungs....
I think she knows
her wings & nails are going to be clipped.....
I have laundry
.....to put away.....
..........give away
....................throw away.
the birdroom wanescoating ((sp??))
is still on the list.....
& the office....
thats another day....

In addition.....
.......last weekend
as Stu & I were trying out the new lil electric lawnmower...
I opened one of the sheds on the side of the house.....
.....U 'member....
...........I know U do....
the sheds that poolboy had to squeeze past ...
to avoid entering DrM's casa of sin.....

People~~....U would NOT believe the shit that I found...

so.....let THIS serve as public notice...
to the boy who used to live here...
I will be ...
((with absolutely...positively ....NO hesitation)).....
tossin ALL that shit U piled in there
for a rainy day?.....
....stole & squirreled...
to come back an get another day?

IT IS ALL going to the curb
next bulk trash pickup....
right then....
as u were
My blog Bitches.....
got shit to DO!~
& I am burnin' daylight!!~~~~

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Blessed Celebration of Mother's Earths Fertility!

From the name of the Goddess Eostre and her celebration Eostara that takes place the first full moon after the Equinox. Eostre the Saxon Lunar Goddess of fertility (from whence we get the word estrogen, whose two symbols were the egg and the rabbit.

Other references:
Lady Day, Alban Eiler (Druidic),
Eostara (Teutonic),
Oestara, Eostra, Eos (Greek),
Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Summer Finding (Asatru),
Naw Ruz (Persian New Year),
Alban Elfed, Festival of Trees, No Ruz, Ostra, Rites of Spring.

Ostara is a fertility festival celebrating the birth of Spring and the reawakening of life from the Earth. This During the Vernal Equinox, night and day measurement are equal. Winter begins to fade and energies turn towards Spring. Fertility, growth, and newborn animals emerge.

Ostara traditions tell of collecting wildflowers, spending more time outdoors, and planting of herb gardens. Personally, you may choose to free yourself from anything in the past that is holding you back and concentrate on renewal.

Christian religion adopted many Pagan symbols for their celebration, called Easter. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox.

Early Christians initially did not celebrate Christ's resurrection or rebirth but made the Jewish Passover their chief festival. The concept of Easter was not introduced until later when the early missionaries tried to convert the German pagans. These Pagans resisted and so instead of the church abolishing their spring festival they merely "adopted" it. The theme of the conception of the Goddess was adapted as the Feast of the Annunciation by the church, as well. It occurs on the alternative fixed calendar date of March 25 which was also, at one time, Lady Day when the equinox was originally celebrated by many.

~~~~Traditions and customs~~~~

Name of the holiday(s):

According to Zolar's Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens & Superstitions, the word "Easter" can be traced back to an ancient German or Saxon goddess called "Oestera".

Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose name is spelled Oestre or Eastre (the origin of the word "east" comes from various Germanic, Austro-Hungarian words for dawn that share the root for the word "aurora" which means " to shine").

Lady Day may also refer to other goddesses (such as Venus and Aphrodite) who have festivals of their own that are celebrated at this time.

The next full moon (a time of increased births) is called the Eostara and is sacred to Eostre the Saxon Lunar Goddess of fertility. Her name is also the origin of the word estrogen.

New Year

In many traditions, this is the start of the New Year.

Persian New Year called Nawruz is celebrated on the Equinox. To the ancient Persians, March 21 marked the time when the sun crossed the equator and marked the beginning of the year for them.

The Roman year began on the ides of March (15th).

The astrological year begins on the equinox when the moon moves into the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, the Ram.

The Greek God Ares is equivalent to the Roman Mars for whom the month of March is named.

Between the 12th century and 1752, March 25th was the day the year changed in England and Ireland. (March 25, 1212 was the day after March 24, 1211.)


We celebrate the renewal of life as seen by the newly emerging life in many forms all around us. A resurrection from all that looks dead is seen as the Earth regenerates and renews herself. This is symbolized in resurrection myths in many cultures and traditions.

There are many myths of the "Year Gods" ( Attis, Adonis, Osiris and Dionysus) - who like Christ die and are reborn each year. These gods are always the son of a God and a mortal woman. The son is a savior who saves his people in some way, sometimes through sacrifice. He is the vegetation, dying each year (at harvest) to be reborn in the spring.

In ancient Rome, the 10-day rite in honor of Attis, son of the great goddess Cybele, began on March 15th. A pine tree, which represented Attis, was chopped down, wrapped in a linen shroud, decorated with violets and placed in a sepulchre in the temple. On the Day of Blood or Black Friday, the priests of the cult gashed themselves with knives as they danced ecstatically, sympathizing with Cybele in her grief and helping to restore Attis to life. Two days later, a priest opened the sepulchre at dawn, revealing that it was empty and announcing that the god was saved. This day was known as Hilaria or the Day of Joy, a time of feasting and merriment.

Beginning with his death on the cross on Good Friday, it is said that Jesus 'descended into hell' for the three days that his body lay entombed. But on the third day (that is, Easter Sunday), his body and soul rejoined, he arose from the dead and ascended into heaven. By a strange 'coincidence', most ancient Pagan religions speak of the Goddess descending into the Underworld, also for a period of three days. Why three days? If we remember that we are here dealing with the lunar aspect of the Goddess, the reason should be obvious. As the text of one Book of Shadows gives it, '...as the moon waxes and wanes, and walks three nights in darkness, so the Goddess once spent three nights in the Kingdom of Death.' In our modern world, alienated as it is from nature, we tend to mark the time of the New Moon (when no moon is visible) as a single date on a calendar. We tend to forget that the moon is also hidden from our view on the day before and the day after our calendar date. But this did not go unnoticed by our ancestors, who always speak of the Goddess's sojourn into the land of Death as lasting for three days. Is it any wonder then, that we celebrate the next Full Moon (the Eostara) as the return of the Goddess from chthonic regions? (from http://pagans.foolmoon.com)


Many of the myths hold that the egg is sacred to life on earth. It represents life just as a circle can represent eternal life. The golden orb of its yolk represents the Sun God, its white shell is seen as the White Goddess, and the whole is a symbol of rebirth.

Germanic lore states that the rabbit so loved and revered the Goddess that he laid eggs, decorated them beautifully, and presented the eggs to the Goddess as a gift. Eostre was so delighted with the gift that she wished all people could experience her joy. In order to further please his beloved Lady, the rabbit roamed the world delivering the sacred eggs to humanity.

The ancient Egyptians also celebrated the solar New Year by dyeing eggs and
offering them up to their gods. The Jews used eggs as a symbol of rebirth at the Passover. During the Middle Ages people not only gave up meat for Lent but also eggs. It was a very precious gift to be given an egg for Easter because of harsh winters making food scarce. Children would often go from house to house to beg for Easter Eggs.

In ancient days, eggs were gathered and used for the creation of talismans and also ritually eaten. The gathering of different colored eggs from the nests of a variety of birds is thought to have given rise to two traditions still observed today - the Easter egg hunt, and coloring eggs in imitation of the various pastel colors of wild birds

Gardens/Seeds/ Planting

The Spring Equinox is a time of new beginnings, of action, of planting seeds for future grains, and of tending gardens. Spring is a time of the Earth's renewal, a rousing of nature after the cold sleep of winter. Seeds are like eggs. While eggs contain the promise of new animal life, seeds hold the potential of a new plant.

In ancient Italy in the spring, women planted gardens of Adonis. They filled urns with grain seeds, kept the in the dark and watered them every two days. This custom persists in Sicily. Women plant seeds of grains--lentils, fennel, lettuce or flowers--in baskets and pots. When they sprout, the stalks are tied with red ribbons and the gardens are placed along roads on Good Friday. They symbolize the triumph of life over death.


Easter Fires were one of the ways pagans celebrated the coming of spring. They called these fires Spring fires. Until 752 A.D these fires were forbidden by the Christian laws. It was St. Patrick who gave rebirth to these fires as Easter Fires. The people would gather outside the church on Easter Eve and light a fire.
Before they returned home each person would light a stick from the fire and take it home with them. All the flames in the house would come from that fire.
The meaning behind these fires is "Life and light triumph over death and darkness

Baskets and goodies

It is believed that humankind first got the idea of weaving baskets from watching birds weave nests. This is perhaps the origin of the association between colored Easter eggs and Easter baskets. The Easter basket filled with its myriad of goodies originates from the ancient Catholic custom of taking the food for Easter dinner to mass to be blessed. This, too, mirrored the even more ancient ritual of bringing the first crops and seedlings to the temple to insure a good growing season.
It is customary to leave food and drink out for the fairies on the nights of festivals, and it is believed that if the fairies are not honored with gifts at these times, they will work mischief in our lives. At Ostara, it is customary to leave something sweet (honey, or mead, or candy) and this could be connected to the Easter basket tradition. Perhaps a gift of sweets corresponds to the sweet nectar gathering in new spring flowers.


One of the Goddess Eostre's symbols was the bunny which symbolized for fertility and because the Ancient Ones who worshipped her often saw the image of a rabbit in the full moon.

The rabbit is an enduring symbol of fertility and desire, or "spring fever" and worldwide, rabbits or hares co-exist with the moon as sacred symbols of vitality, fertility and the life-force. A rabbit's gestation period is approximately one month, and it tends to be the first animal to give birth in the springtime

Some of rabbit lore springs from incorrect superstition. But underneath the superstition lies a deeper core of pagan sacral belief in which symbols of sex, fertility, the moon, re-birth and renewal are intertwined.

During the Renaissance, rabbits were even considered to be able to conceive without the male, and so they became a symbol of the Madonna's virgin birth. A 16th Century painting by Titian shows Mary clutching a white rabbit, illustrating purity and a control of sexuality. The rabbit had become an important symbol of docility, gentleness and submission: qualities the church particularly wished to encourage in its followers.

Less evident today is the ancient symbolism connecting rabbits to women, blood cycles and the moon, although contemporary Asian images often depict rabbits with a traditional sense of womanly grace and stillness. Nevertheless, rabbits have become an enduring symbol for the beginning of springtime at Easter, and are worth considering for their deeper symbolism when we celebrate Ostara.

Blessed Be my Blogger Peeps

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

~~Slowly Getting There....~~

Slowly....its all geting set up
The new puter is NOT being accepted
by the other kids among the wireless system in the house...
it is piggybacking off the neighbors wireless.....
which neighbour?...
no clue.....heehee...
much slower than my 270 Mps.....but the thief that I am?.....
just happy shes up and running.....
if anyone has suggestions on how to get the new one compatible with the linksys 2.4 GHz wireless N system I have??..
PLEASE email me.........

The underlying issue is that newbie runs on Vista...
albeit a wonderful...fast...beautiful......UBER cool system......
((i.e. everything I need for the new foto adventures.... =) ....

::::le sigh::::

the commercials are right....
it has behavioral issues with non-vista's....
this will NOT be acceptableBuddha -nature in this house!!...
perhaps my silent sunday will help me resolve this.....
for today....?
I must go attack the 'list'......
as U were Bitches.......
Happy Oestara........posting tmr to enlighten those who wish to be in the know...
well....& any excuse to dance nekkid .....right!?!?**Beijos...my BF's.......

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