Did U know:
Alternative-health practitioners have long preached the benefits of wheatgrass due largely to its chlorophyll content, the pigment that gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight necessary for photosynthesis, hence the term "liquid sunshine".
Wheatgrass juices boasts 60% of the body's recommended daily allowance for vitamin K in a one-ounce shot. Vit K is necessary for blood clotting.
Wheatgrass also contains tons of enzymes, the complex protein compounds that speed up metabolic reactions and aids in digestion. And last, but certainly not least, these lovable little lawns offer the magical chemical known as chlorophyll.
Chlorphyll helps boost your immune system, fight off free radicals, promote better circulation, and improve energy.
Keep in mind, that wheatgrass must be cut or harvested within a day or two of reaching maturity in order to yield its max nutrients ( gain highest quantities of all the amino acids, vitamins, iron and vitamin K).
Experts recommend up to two ounces of fresh-squeezed wheatgrass juice daily.
Y should U start participate in something that reminds U your lawn needs attending?.....
** cleanses & detoxifies your blood
** helps make skin look gr8
** assists in digestion
**helps metabolize energy and fat
**helps booster your immune system!!
ok....getting back down off soap-box.........I have things to do!!
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