~5308~...settling into the couch for the nite~
ok...beginning RANT~
so...in addition to aunt flo making me miserable yesterday...
the issue that is my 'psycho-c*ck-sucker, control-freak, insecure, ultra-conservative' PM & i finally came to verbal blows....
over the phone...me at home ...he ...i dont care where...
the same shite has been happening...
so i had my IT consulting firm rep call to find out what was up his a**.
in addition to the other micromanaging bullshite he spouted...
he mentioned to her that i have used company resources to play games
(stapler kidnapping & ppt w/ list of demands)....
back the f*ck up poindexter!~
i informed her of the truth....
I had shared the humor w/ him...that i had sent him a copy....
thinking we were bonding ....& he (for three weeks now ) has been holding this misconception against me...
what a f*ckin loser!~
i sent her the original email
(created on my home computer at 2 am from my gmail account)....
HA! company resources my ass .....
again....what.a.fu*kin loser!~
((ok...who am i kidding w/ the astericks....lol))
so at her suggestion to communicate ...
he sent me his list of "new work requirements"
in it... he included
" no work from home w/out his approval" ,
1 wk notification for ANY time off,
and the clincher?
...a daily "end of day" call
yeah....jump off mofo.....
after my call to my rep....to blow steam...& get her consensus....
i did my daily call....
& i know u are all thinking...
"well....i am sure THAT went well?" HA!
um...yeah....NO!~i'll save u all the ridiculous details...
when i asked in writing for clarification of the 'new rules' he wrote: " thats what I need"
after i verbally asked for better clarification ...he answered " i dont owe you any explanation"
so ....me being me...pushed further....by asking ....ok David....do you want me to tell u when i pee?...when i eat something...what i am drinking for the day?..
the prick hung up on me.....
yeah....real professional behavior there mr PM.....
so i called HIS boss at home..... =) explained what happened two wks ago when he YELLED at me in private coupled w/ what went down today was the equivalent of harassment. I further stated, that because i was scared of this guys rage towards me....& since no-one was going to be in the building on our team besides he and i on friday.....i would rather not be there......in essence... i was asking permission to take a personal day.....he concurred......said he would f/u w/ the prick friday & if necessary we would all sit down monday....
i then wrote the prick an email......advising that after speaking w/ his boss & my IT rep....it was decided best for me to take a personal day.....
long story short ....(if you're even still reading)
today was spent sleeping.....& wondering if i will have a job come monday.....
u know......at then base of all this shite is the fact that he doesn't respect me, believe that my actions are done w/ positive intent, & has formed incorrect negative opinions of my behavior, beliefs & work ethic.......people...life's to short....to put up w/ others who are as miserable as he is in their existence.....
i didn't go back into the work force to be unhappy....if i learned anything last yr ...during my time off....it was that life is too short to not be happy everyday.....i want to live my life joyfully...w/ passion....& not be around unkind people.....this might be turning point.....yet again..... =)