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Thursday, August 30, 2007

~~Luvin the new Telephoto~~

~~after clicking on it to enjoy its beauty...
be sure to check out the left side...
vs. the right side.....
the heat flames can be seen coming off the side facing the sun....
while the "dark side of the moon" is blue ......
UBER cool....huh?.......ciao bitches...~~

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

~~I found the cure for Insomnia??~~

say it w/ me...
yea...i know...
i was wondering the same thing....
WTF.....was i doing in the moshpit?..
well...i think everyone should experience that once in their life...
it has been a LONG time
since i have felt the need ...
so urgently.....
to take a shower...
...now...i am not against getting dirty....
i actually enjoy a good sweat.....
...IF ITS MINE!!......

the other strange phenom?.....
the amt of weed being "one-hitted'...
loaded into glass pipes....
& passed
in front of...
& all around us.....

It was stink weed....
really pungent...
delicious smellin actually....

all in all....
really entertaining ........

the music....(Evanescence)

err....the noise ( KORN....)

the moshers...
the moshee's...
& the crowd.......
Once again......thanx D for exposing me to yet ANOTHER experience I prolly wouldn't have sought out.....

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~~If Only......~~

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Friday, August 24, 2007

~~New Obsession....FlowerS~~

Remember to click 'em to see their beauty up close =)

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Thursday, August 23, 2007


get nekkid...
U'll feel better.....
I'm not kiddin'.....
& remember....
my HNT's are usually over HERE......
I'm feelin' helpful 2day by giving U a show here....


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

~~Geepy Has a New Home Now~~

I bought this Geo...
Turkeyday 1992...drove her up until May of this year....
I was sad to see her drive off.....
silly isnt it......
Had ALOT of good times over the years in her....
4x4 up north to the mnts...
road-trips to Cali.....
Sedona .....more times than I can remember.....
I hope the older retired couple that bought her will take as good of care of her as I did......

Monday, August 20, 2007

~~sooo cheezy...~~~

Three handsome male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful, enticing, female Poodle.

The three male dogs fall all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first, but end up arriving in front of her at the same time.

The males are speechless before her beauty, slobbering on themselves and hoping for just a glance from her in return.

Aware of her charms and her obvious effect on the three suitors, she decides to be kind and tells them, "The first one who can use the words 'liver' and 'cheese' together in an imaginative, intelligent sentence can go out with me."

The sturdy, muscular black Lab speaks up quickly and says, "I love liver and cheese."

"Oh, how childish," said the Poodle. "That shows no imagination or intelligence whatsoever."

She turns to the tall, shiny Golden Retriever and says "How well can you do?"

"Um. I HATE liver and cheese," blurts the Golden Retriever.

"My, my," said the Poodle. "I guess it's hopeless. That's just as dumb as the Lab's sentence."

She then turns to the last of the three dogs and says, "How about you, little guy?"

The last of the three, tiny in stature but big in fame and finesse, is the Taco Bell Chihuahua .

He gives her a smile, a sly wink, turns to the Golden Retriever and the Lab and says

(ok this is good)

"Liver alone. Cheese mine."

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

~~The Transvestite Executive~~

~~Nuttin like a PB&J for Breakfast ~~

~~**Click it to really enjoy her beauty**~~
I LUV my Chicken....
yes..thats her name...
it WAS Walter...
until she laid an egg.....
& u understands how ....
Walter doesn't convert to a girly name very easy....
so...there u go...
Isnt she the shit?!

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

~~Ebb & Flow~~

We've talked......
I've cried......
we've sat in silence....
I tried to explain...
we both apologized....
he reached down inside.....
I reminded myself of 'no expectations'....
Living in the moment is so much easier to say than do....

we're good again.....
I missed him so......

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

AZ Storm Rollin in ......
Winds whippin up....
Beautiful lighting filled the skies......


Sunday, August 12, 2007

~~Interesting....but not surprising ....~~

Dreaming that you are a victim of cannibalism means that you feel that you are being "eaten alive" by work, a relationship. or a situation in your waking life.

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~~Being Special Sux....~

soooo many thoughts running away...
so many questions...
do i bother to ask them?...
will i get honest answers?...
we said we would always be truthful...
but these are at the core...
they require being vulnerable...
is that the issue?..
i was once asked....
"will u take the risk....& answer me?"...
i did.....
& here we are.....
Y can't U?...
i am left wondering....
am i a secret?...
was it all a lie?...
a distraction ...
have u told your family?
did i not 'hear' u....
"I wasn't looking for a relationship...yet....U were too special to let pass....."
if choosing not to communicate for days.....
is your way of showing me how "special" i am.....
please stop.....
it's just cruel....& painful....
& is effectively eroding any chances of repair.....


Friday, August 10, 2007

~~WTF...Was That Dream all About!!~~

Slightly disturbing dream….
NO...REALLY disturbing dream.....
Just woke me up….
yeah...at NOON....
get over it......

It felt SOOO real…..
I’m still a bit heebie-jeebie’d…
I was w/ a group of people….
In a foreign country…
Unfortunately….it was Brazil..
Not that I believe what I am about to describe….
Actually happens in Brazil….but …..anywho..
I had just met a group of ‘impt people’ …
Mngmnt types……((must’ve been needing a job there too…LOL))
& then I was sitting /standing next to a guy w/ no shirt on….hottie type…
& they were talkin about getting dinner…
Now…..if u didn’t know….Brazilians are BIG on meat….
& I must’ve been making a stink about not being able to partake in eating meat…
& they quickly pointed out….”oh…no….we’re gonna eat U…”
….now before u think this is a kinky post….full –on oral type schtuff…..
Put your manti /panties back on….no self-help material here….
What they meant ……as I felt a burning sensation on the right side of my calf….
Was that they had heard vegetarians from America made ‘good eatin’…
After the third guy with a pocket knife took a chunk, slice, divet out of my calf or thigh…
I voiced an objection…
….they laughed in my face……& said I had no choice….they had made their decision…
So…I naturally spent the rest of my dream running from the guys…
Who wanted to skewer me alive…turn me on a spit….slice & serve me……
It was UBER scary!! ……in fact I can still feel the pain of missing flesh in my leg….WTF!
::::runs off to find dream dictionary…….to look up…”victim of cannibalism...”::::

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

~13~Relationship Realizations~

  1. I have a different definition of 'a relationship'......
  2. I need to take a step back from D
  3. I viewed it as a relationship...willing to deal w/ ups & downs.....
  4. He viewed it as gr8 sex...no worries...no responsibilities....
  5. I depend on another for help when needed.....& most times?....I don't even need to ask....
  6. Its not a relationship if I have to explain how to 'be there' when I need someone....
  7. I bought myself flowers the other nite......
  8. I am saddened by all this.....
  9. I care tooo much......err.....well....in comparison to D's level......
  10. We're not on the same page.....
  11. I am at a loss for words....
  12. I'm such a girl in relationships.......despite what others think.....
  13. LUV sux.

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~~??....Baby Roadrunner....??~~

I think this little guy.....
(( who still has pin feathers....& fuzzy down))....
might be a baby road-runner....
anyone out there know what he could be?.....

I love this pic....
he sat there lookin at me as if to say
...um...U there!....put the camera down....& fill the feeder pleeeeze!!
I'll be curious to see if he hangs around.....
& allows me to see him grow up......
into 'whatever' he is....

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


1. What is the worst/corniest pick up line someone has used on you and/or you used?
U know?......I think its either my age ....or the time span since these two things have occurred.....that is keeping me from remembering .......

2. Have you ever gone out on a date with someone and went home with someone else? Explain.
Not that I remember......

3. What is the worst thing (spread a rumor, hook up with their SO, etc...) that you did to a friend? Did they do anything to deserve it?
wow...my answers this week are really non-drama..huh?...once again... N/A

4. What is your favorite sex scene in a regular movie (not porn)? Why?
I guess this would be a tie between 9 1/2 weeks...(the whole movie) & Bound.... =)

5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? What would you change on your SO?
Myself?......my insomnia.....

My SO?......his snoring..... =)

Bonus (as in optional): What countries, other than your own, have you had sex in? Was it someone on the trip with you? Someone from that country?

Scotland...ex hubby I.....Mexico....exhubby II.....Caribbean ...Ex Hubby II.

~~I say & U think~~

U know the drill ..... =)

Voices :: in my head
Have to :: go potty (!?!?)
Machine :: choo...wanna ride in my luv machine??
Seventh grade :: hairdo?
Beach :: scene
Roommate :: hell
Cyclone :: dysart
Theater :: play
Pregnant :: pause
Phoebe :: cates

~~go here to sign up to play each week......& leave me your answers in the comments..... =) ~~

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Monday, August 06, 2007

~~ok...this meez w/ the 'tude..just cracked me up ~~

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~~I was TRYing to be healthy dammit!~~

in my time off...
i am trying to get organized...
the house is getting spic n span....
clothes are washed....put up...examined...tried on....donated....
x-tra feather-beds de-stained (puppers, massage oil, etc...)....
& stored in the linen closet
.....driveway powerwashed....
garbage & recycle bins powerwashed....
documents (reciepts, warranties, magazines, catalogs..etc) organized, filed, tossed...
& Buddha knows.....i still have the pantry...laundry room....& yoga, meditation rooms to go thru......

so....U might ask what is the point of this post?

i have also been attempting to get adequate sleep...
((which we all know is a struggle of sorts for me.....))
eat right...
& really take care of myself......

so...riddle me this batman.......
would i come home this afternoon after going to get my usual wheatgrass double shot....
w/ a OJ chaser.....
& within an hour after drinking it...
PUKE it all back up?!?!
I know....I know......
but really....
we all know i am on a budget .....
((& already tossed $7+ change into the mailbox last two nites ago.....LOL))

yeah......another 5 bucks down the drain....
ok...back to my dissertation.....
almost ready to send back =)

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

~~Suupah- Starrrr~~

I think this story.....
can best be expressed in a monologue by alanis morisette

Dear Postal person who takes letters out of mailbox on curb by PO?...
that book of stamps?...its mine.....
I accidentally dropped it
into the box as I was mailing my unemployment paperwork...
...kinda ironic .....huh?.....
7 dollars & change....

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