Man where do I start?
I won't....
theres tooooooo much detail....
Lets just go with: really emotionally immature person who TOTALLY doesnt get the fact that its been...oh....almost a year....that I've been asking them to leave.... & now...that its down to the "Oh-my-fuckin-goddesss-U-have-got-to-get-out-of-MY-house!.....he decides that he is unable to pay me rent, his share of the utilities....and eat the groceries that I pay for because he has to use that money towards a place to move to.
UM....why weren't you saving some funds all this time that U knew U were to be looking for a place to move to?
FUCK U ....for stompin around the house, swearing at me because you are angry about the lack of initiative & organizational personal attributes U lack! U parasitic sycophant!
& without getting into details here......as I do not have the permission of the 'other 3rd party involved'.....MR. Unhappy Pants?....what makes U think that I should 'wait til you are out of my house' to begin to live my life again?........How dare U stand there after all the nasty-ass shit you have said to me...called me...accused me of...& tell me to "WAIT"....BTW?....just what was it that I did anyway?
Do U not get it!?!? ....IF I didnt have a Dissertation to write....and the responsibility of my babies.......(lets not even mention that its MY house...MY name on the mortgage) ........I wouldnt even be around the house as much as I am now......because I can not stand your angry ass... & all the negativity it radiates! Hell....your dog didnt even want to sleep with you last nite! .....She came in my room and laid down when you called her.........DOESNT THAT TELL U SOMETHING RE; YOUR BLACK AURA! A dog is THE best judge of character.......mmmmm?.....could THAT be why KorKor's mohawk goes into highgear & she growls to protect her momma when U enter my room?!?!?!
um...yeah....Im gonna have to go with ....."johnny...tell her what she won!"
oh...btw...I called that person who U claim was upset by me putting them in a so-called position to lie for me?!?!......yeah....I was prepared to get that straightened out......and apologize if that was how they felt. MMM.....surprise!......they never said the shit you spewed at me......IN FACT!.....they stated they were a little concerned re: your delusional thinking on ALL OF THIS !!
OK...where was I???
Just do me a favor......pack your shite....U have what 3 wks and 5 days til its on the driveway anywho...... & try not to speak to me anymore! mmmmK?
I recieved this email last Thursday: We congratulate you on becoming an asset to the management of the
Private Investigators Forum. whew--hew!...... Im in moderator training as we speak.....so my mad-blogging skills will come in handy with the site moderator secret spy stuff I'll get to do! ........
Last.... GO SEE little Miss Sunshine!.....I originally had dismissed this movie as a rental....indie...tryin to be mainstream film. I was greatly mistaken! ........Great film....I won't ruin the ending.....but I was gasping for air in the final scene.....it was pricelessly funny... & unexpected ....but not really when you look back over the film. HILARIOUS!
Okay....back to getting ch's 2 & 3 submitted.
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