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Monday, January 30, 2006

The House that M Built...& What it Means..

Based on my drawing and the 10 answers I gave this is a summary of my personality:
I am sensitive and indecisive at times.
I am a freedom lover and a strong person.
I love my house and family.
I am a gifted artist as well.
Once I have a problem, I need a friend with me.
Mylife is always full of changes.
I am a very tidy person.
There's nothing wrong with that because I'm pretty popular among friends.
My life is always full of changes.
I will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible.
I love excitement and create it wherever I go.
I have a strong personality & I like to command, influence and control people.
I added a flower into my drawing.
The flower signifies that I long for love.
It also safe to say that others don't see me as a flirt.
I don't think much about myself.

Want to build your own house?? & find out what it means about U? Go HERE.
This is where I started a new avenue....Add your house to be part of the nieghborhood :)

I think I just PEED!

Okay..Chuck has got to be THE funniest DOG!!!

Go over HERE for more cheesy-grin filled daily PICS.... M


~~~I say and U think~~~

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Long distance:: Love Affair
2. Meant to be:: karma
3. Here:: Now
4. Endless:: Universe
5. Resentment:: Pain
6. Insipid:: Pest
7. Bunny:: Tail
8. Slogan:: Jingle
9. Naked:: Skin
10. Sarcasm:: Wit

Wanna Play???.....Go HERE ...........

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Results of 3rd "We Want to Know" POLL

The Topic this past week centered around how closely your BLOG represents U?

Interesting though....not to many BLOGGERS took the poll this past week. Not sure if it had to do with a lack of interest in the topic or what, but here are the results.

9 Total Votes

6 --> My BLOG respresents me to a "T" , what you read is what you get.

1 --> I use it as a sounding board...I post things I wish I did..or could say... to see if I should follow thru in real life.

1 --> I am NOT always who I represent on my BLOG....Its my alter ego...only known to some of my IRL friends.

1 --> My BLOG is the only way I can really be honest....I hope people read it, so they can know the real me.


Monday, January 23, 2006


We’ll call this a creative exercise break from the comps!..

4 things...
I got this from this hot chica .

4 Jobs I’ve had:
1. Bartender
2. Polo Pony Trainer
3. Christmas help at the postoffice
4. Camp Counselor

4 Places I’ve lived:
1. Wisconsin
2. Scotland
3. Arizona
4. don’t have another one…

4 TV Shows I like:
1. CSI
2. The L Word
3. Medium
4. Charmed

4 Places I’ve been to On Vacation
1. Mexico
2. Belgium
3. Amsterdam
4. Montreal

4 Websites I Visit Daily
1. DooCe – LOVE her daily pictures
2. CNN
3. NPR
4. Peace of my Mind

4 Favorite Foods
1. ButterNut Squash
2. Indian Food
3. Fresh out of the oven Toll House chocolate Chip cookies
4. Banana Coconut Crème Pie

4 Places I’d Like to be Right Now
1. In Bed
2. Cliffs of Ireland
3. New York Public Library
4. Tropical Beach

4 People I don’t like
1. “Ding Dong the witch is Dead” People who know…know …LOL…This woman has no other power in her life but her job,…hence…the torment she inflicts on her subordinates.
2. My Previous PhD Committee Chair – I think she finds joy in being passive aggressive.
3. Mr Slovick…6th grade gym teacher…he called me a turd ( I took it as a racial slur and felt bad for years for being “brown” in a school of all whites).
4. anyone who hurts children.....and especially anyone who is cruel to animals!

Now, not tagging. But if you want… Leave me a comment so I know U played.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Apparently, I am a WHORE now......

Where did I last leave U my BF’s?.....oh yeah, I had received another email in which I was assured that I was to “kick-ass as usual” on my comprehensives…and that he thought it was “hot” that I share my body in my HNT’s & I shouldn’t censor my thoughts in my postings. He also added that he was not sure if I had read the emails from the nite before…but he would say these things in person, but he did not want to take my attention away from school.

So….okay…nice attempt to say he was sorry for flying off the handle the nite before when he stated that I was outright disrespectful to him by posting naked pics of myself in Francisco’s shirt….& offered to leave the house so I could get a booty call to give the shirt back.

Of course this am after getting home from another nite out with the boys (6 homo friends of his….HIS words not mine), he had some additional HATEFUL things to say. He proceeded to accuse me of driving to see Francisco last nite, lying to him about having dinner with my Aunt and Uncle who are in town from Florida, told me I don’t care about him as a person, that I am a WHORE, and I’m just like the asshole husband who makes the money & tells his wife she can leave HIS house.

For starters, I showed him the picture in my camera of dinner out with Auntie Diane and Uncle Frank, I even showed him the leftovers in the frig. I told him the name & location of the restaurant to counter the # of miles he “knows I drove last nite”….(I know…kinda stalkerish…huh?) I told him the reason I didn’t call to tell him I was going to dinner (instead of working on my comps)…..was that they invited me (second time this week), I made it a quick dinner break from studying, and he was across the fuckin valley with his friends……besides I wanted to have dinner with my Aunt and Uncle…just us…catching up….no entertaining conversations, no long lingering cups of coffee.

Without going into tooo much detail, I strongly corrected him on his statement that I do not care about him as a person. He has been living here for almost three years. We started out hot & heavy...but that fizzled out....to the point of no significant other-type relationship for the last year & a 1/2....more roomies than anything else. Last year I had found out some behaviours that were dishonest of his….we talked it out…..he assured me he would change…and I let him stay. YES,…let him stay in my house…..because I enjoyed him….his company….the way he cares about the animals….and supports my school load by helping out. I thought we could work on the relationship to get it back to a trusting level. Apparently, I was off base.

Okay…the whore comment…..I’m still in shock that he even called me that….and I’m really trying to remember what happened in the conversation that caused him to call me that. Oh …I remember….he said when he pulled up my BLOG to show his friends the other nite……”I had 6 homo’s looking over my shoulder, telling me…dude she’s not thinking of U in those pictures..” I asked him how the story of Francisco’s shirt (acquired 3 years ago) which accompanied my HNT constitutes me being a WHORE?!?!?

Needless to say, I asked him to call his friend Barry (who offered him a place to stay to get away from me)…..to find out when he can move-in. I REFUSE to be called a WHORE by anyone….especially someone who I thought believed in me…what I stand for….and that I opened my home to.

So dear BF’s…this weeks POLL centers around how your BLOG represents U. I know, I have no qualms about anyone, friends or family coming across my BLOG. I could answer to anything I have BLOGGED about. I thoroughly enjoy the relationships I have formed thru my BLOG. Readers of my BLOG know more about me than some of my IRL friends. Not that I hide these thoughts from them, we just do not take the time to get to this level.


Results of the 2nd "Weekly What's your Opinion"

I Blog for me & comments don't matter 3 votes

I blog because I want people other than those I interact with daily to give me their honest thoughts. 5 votes

I don't allow comments on my blog...its my online journal & not up for opinions...good or bad. 0 votes

I look forward to reading what others have to say in response to my blogging. 11 votes

Only on HNT days do I look forward to my # of comments. 0 votes

There are a few BLOGs I follow religiously and I would hope mine is one that others follow as well. Theses are the few comments that matter to me. 6 votes

I would NOT stop blogging even if no one commented. 16 votes

I think I WOULD stop blogging if others stopped commenting. Their thoughts mean A LOT to me. 1 vote

*** Those of us who took the time to take the POLL feel strongly that their BLOG is essential to them. They would continue even if no one commented. A place to put our thoughts, create a permanent picture album?...a way to communicate across the net to friends, family, real life or not that in this day in age provides immediate accessibility.

No letters to write..no cramps from using a pen..the ability to edit ones self over and over again, and for some of us a certain sense of anonymity.

Interesting observations tho....in a close second place, 11 people stated they look forward to reading other peoples thoughts and opinions. Equal number of BLOGGERs stated they want honest feedback and they follow some BLOGs religiously and hope their BLOG is one others follow.

Me personally, somedays it doesn't matter.....I'm just barfing my thoughts to get it out...while other days, I appreciate another viewpoint of what I'm dealing with :)***


Saturday, January 21, 2006

~~~I say and U think~~~

1. Alone:: Meditation
2. Science:: Evolution
3. Deposit:: Bank
4. Faithful:: Always
5. Tender:: Kisses
6. Chocolate:: Basic Food Group
7. Homework:: YUK
8. Tamper:: Fix
9. Friend:: Emerson
10. Wire:: Telegram

Wanna Play?......go HERE :)

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U asked for IT! .....

Well, it must be going around....a sickness...like the flu.....it hits U right in the gut. It starts out with an email. U wonder why this person sending Uan email WHEN THEY LIVE WITH U!

Seems a certain someone is upset that they have never been mentioned, blogged about, captured in film on my BLOG. Their email, (which can only be described as an electronic version of a good old hissy fit, pitty party, drama scene...well you get the pic).....states they will never be visiting my BLOG again due to someone else being blogged about in my HNT's. HOW DARE I.... tell a story ( of an event from 3 yrs ago) to go with my HNT pics. How dare I mention an ex-lover. How dare I exhibit HNT's of me for the world to see!

Well, in my opinion...and I can give that all I want here ....because it's MY FUCKIN BLOG,


you don't have the balls to discuss this in person when U are home, and have to write an email from a friends computer at 2:30 in the morning, and make accusatory remarks about "needing to leave for the weekend, so I can get my booty-call in and give the shirt back"......


I will continue on as if I never got your wicked hateful email and post HNT's til the cows come home....... I think I have a smokin bod....so why NOT flaunt it while it's flauntible!!

Any opinions here folks???
Talk amongst yourselves....
I'll just be over here buried in my books!

***EDIT*** so, another nite.....and another email !! U believe it? In it he gives support for my comps...knowing how focused I am...and that he is not afraid to express his thoughts in person.....but not now with comps going on. HA!


Friday, January 20, 2006

I just LOVE DOOCE! .....

Chuck...Dooce and Mr. DOoce's dog has got to be the most accepting & forgiving dog around. If you don't read Dooce currently, go check her out....not only do I enjoy her writing, but she has a beautiful family. Her hubby is listed as Dooces other half in my blogroll. LOVE him as well. Anywho.....she takes a picture everyday and if you are needing an emotional pick me up...browse thru them... :)~ Back to the books for me!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My Golden Globe Highlights :)

Okay...I didnt watch....but from the pics I perused thru on MSNBC, I found these three individuals to be incredibly HOT!!
Yummy....yummy....yummy...I've got ________ in my tummy :)~

Monday, January 16, 2006

U know U are from California if:

1. Your coworker has 8 body piercings and none are visible.
2. You make over $300,000 and still can't afford a house.
3. You take a bus and are shocked at two people carrying on a conversation in English.
4. Your child's 3rd-grade teacher has purple hair, a nose ring, and is named Flower.
5. You can't remember . is pot illegal?
6. You've been to a baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm donor.
7. You have a very strong opinion about where your coffee beans are grown,
and you can taste the difference between Sumatran and Ethiopian.
8. You can't remember. Is pot illegal?
9. A really great parking space can totally move you to tears.
10. Gas costs $1.00 per gallon more than anywhere else in the U.S.
11. Unlike back home, the guy at 8:30 am at Starbucks wearing a baseball
cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney really IS George Clooney.
12. Your car insurance costs as much as your house payment.
13. You can't remember . . .is pot illegal?
14. It's barely sprinkling rain and there's a report on every news station:
15. You pass an elementary school playground and the children are all busy
with their cells or pagers.
16. It's barely sprinkling rain outside, so you leave for work an hour early
to avoid all the weather-related accidents.
17. HEY!!!! Is pot illegal????
18. Both you AND your dog have therapists.
19. The Terminator is your governor.
20. If you drive illegally, they take your driver's license.
If you're here illegally, they want to give you one.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

~~~I say and U think~~~

I say ...and you think....?

1.Paralyzed:: my friends brother
2.Bossy:: insecure
3.Worth:: relative
4.Breathing:: sexy
5.Uneventful:: peaceful
6.Return:: remember
7.Splint:: annoying
8.Notice:: legal
9.Hero:: youth
10.Vulnerable:: love

Wanna Play?......go HERE :)

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This Weeks "I want to Know" Poll

Are U a comment Whore?

O (father of HNT) recently posted his discontentment regarding blogging behaviors on Half-Nekkid Thursdays. Behaviors mentioned included:

  • Bloggers who scan HNT postings for porn pics
  • Only commenting on sites that have Boobies or Buns
  • Bloggers not reading the "history" behind the HNT pic.
  • Comments that make no sense because they are of a "cut & post" variety.
  • Lurking and not commenting at all.
  • Comments which were obviously a result of zipping to the bottom of the comments and quickly adding "HHNT" or some other generic remark....
  • Comments which ask questions that are previously answered by the poster a few comments back.
  • Comments from people who only come out of the network on HNT.

The responses O got on this posting varied from:

  • I only have a little bit of time to get thru all HNT's, so I scan.
  • Some of the stories are too long to read.
  • If its interesting I'll comment, otherwise not really anything new to say.
  • I go thru my favorites & comment, the rest I TRY to,but may not.
  • I take the time to read & comment. It means more to some than others.
  • I don't rush thru just to comment, if I get to them all, I will...the important thing is to write something that applies to their picture.
  • I look forward to reading comments from my regular visitors..the others who show up on HNT only kind creep me out.
  • Alot of people confessed to rushing thru & but vowed to slow down.

I created a poll that basically asks WHY U BLOG? -->

Some people write because they need a place to vent.
Others live in remote locations & depend on their blogfriends for interaction. Some care what others think and write with censorship. Others keep separate BLOGs...one because close friends and family read it and the other where they can let go and really say whats on their mind, anonymously. I visit some BLOGs that don't allow comments. They say what they want and move on.
Which leads me to my last ponderance. Why do we need comments? Are some people addicted to these responses? Have they created another identity on the net? Is this identity one that their daily friends and family do not know?

Would those who adore us on paper feel the same in person? Is there a safety net that allows us to just BE in our BLOGs? Be that person we want to be but are afraid or not allowed to be IRL? Is this a new Psychological phenom? Really, think about it....what did jounalists do before the internet or email? They courageously put their thoughts down on paper without the instantaneous opportunity to interact with their readers.

so....on that note, I needs some BLOG-LOVE!......GO TAKE the POLL...I gotta KNOW! .....NOW!


Poll # 2 Results :)

I emailed someone naughty pics of myself & they LOVED it!
3 votes
I showed up at their workplace w/ no panties & we finished that thought in the supply closet!
3 votes
I climaxed during a phone call & ROCKED their WORLD
5 votes
I put my cologne or perfume where they would smell it later & they called me all hot/bothered!
4 votes

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Day-Trippin...Part Deux....

When we last left M and Kat, they were escaping Phoenix and going up north for the day.
For those not familiar with Arizona, there are some great little cities in the mountains within a few hours drive.
Sedona with its beautiful red rocks,
Jerome, a little artsy town nestled into the side of a mountain, with its old, old buildings, brothels from when miners lived there,
motorcycle row outside The Spirit Room Bar, and the old remodeled mental hospital that I swear is haunted!! (but that's another post).
Last, but not least, there is Flagstaff, with its beautiful mountains, lakes and laidback Northern Arizona University. Driving down the road on our way to our favorite shopping spots, we saw A LIVE KNOME!!
He must have had enough of waiting for some snow and was leaving town!
After shopping @the surplus store, overpriced Babbages (outdoor equipment store), the tibetan import furniture store (LOVE that store), eating some pizza, & Bookmans, we stopped off at my ABSOLUTE FAVE VEGAN JOINT to get one for the road.
Macy's menu changes each day & everything is made from scratch. Most def worth the drive!

Triskaidekaphobic on this First Full Moon ?!?

January, The Wolf Moon -

The first full moon is a time of silence and sitting by the home fire. As the wild winter howls, appreciate the warmth of home and family. Now is the time to go within and plan the changes you will make in the spring. Consider now what you will plant. Start a moon journal to record your lunar tides and write down your spring dreams.

The Moon holds great importance for Wiccans. First of all, it is a symbol of the Goddess, but we are also acutely aware of the effects the moon has on Nature, and on ourselves. Many Wiccans perform spells and rituals according to the current phase of the moon.

The Full Moon - is a time to do spells that greatly increase, such as healing spells. It is also a powerful time for spells to increase psychic vision, magickal powers, prophetic dreams, and to do fertility rituals.

January's full moon also falls on friday the 13th :) The Moon is fullest just after midnight, making this Friday the 13th to plan for passion.
If you are thinking about a fling with an ex or other pursuits of a sentimental affair, tonight's the night. Blessed Be.....

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

How NOT to Get in the Car in the Morning ....

So, remember the movie Ms Congeniality? and the scene where Gracie Hart ....is coming out of the airplane hanger after she has had every inch of her body scrubbed, plucked, waxed, cut, and painted??

Okay, as you recall, the folks waiting for her are AMAZED at the transformation....she is struttin her stuff towards the plane.....

AND ....down she goes!

My reality this am?! I'm toolin out of the house, feeling refreshed from a longer than normal sleep cycle last nite! (6 hours is unheard of for me!! )

I've got my nice cuddly brown sweater on that matches my nice tan skin, and a long ankle length leopard print tight skirt with a slit so I can walk. I love this outfit because its not revealing but hugs every curve.

I also have on what I refer to as my hooker shoes. 4-in platform sandals that I also love. I enjoy being tall and in these Im like 6 ft ! teehee.......

so anywho.......Im balancing my briefcase, my purse, my coffee and opening the door. So far, so good. But then as I'm swinging my right leg into the vehicle, I fail to notice that my heel of my left shoe is precariously balancing on the edge of the dividing crack of the driveway.

Sure enough........I tilt to get in and WHOA!! down I go......briefcase flies one way....purse goes the other.........but I did manage to hang on to the coffee and not rip my skirt on the way down.

so....no injuries....unless you count my bruised ego..... I wonder how many neighbors witnessed this?? oh well..... I never said I was graceful !!


Sunday, January 08, 2006

This Weeks "I Want to Know" Poll

This weeks subject is based on a very interesting conversation I had last nite with my daytripper friend. Driving back down the mountain into PHX from our daytrip up north, the subject of communication between couples came up. She proceeded to tell me how her partner and her "get even" with eachother when one or the other havent "checked in". Be it voicemail, email or a note on the kitchen table.....they do their best to touch base.
Well, this activity has taken a new twist. A new FREAKY, SEXY twist! You see, there have been a few times when one or the other has felt too much time has elapsed between "checking in". The offended partner then will do their best to get the other one "BOTHERED".

They call eachother, say nothing, and proceed to get off. Now imagine, you are at the office., in a meeting, grocery shopping, or perhaps visiting family members out of town and the phone rings. On the other end is your partner. All you hear is heavy breathing, moaning, buzzing of toys, & your name ->breathlessly cried out in climax.

You are left with your cell phone in hand, wet panties, flushed face and breathing a little faster than before you answered that call. You then hear, Okay, Bye....followed by an abrupt disconnect!

Screeeeech to a halt......rip yourself back to reality......compose yourself....make a note to check in with better regularity & vow to get revenge that evening!!!

This weeks POLL asks....
What media have you sexually communicated thru & what were the results? Was it successful in getting your partner all hot & bothered? Have you done the Harry met Sally call? Did you show up 1/2 nekkid in public?

or sent a hot and steamy email, with pics?

Maybe you left your scent for someone to find in their busy day as a reminder?

I want to know....Take the POLL -->

Poll #1 Results :)

Is David (my co-worker) - Stewart French?

Yes, he definately resembles him!
3 votes
No, they look nothing alike!
1 vote
Well, he could fool some people, some of the time...
6 votes

Things to do before I die.....check check !!

Take It Easy

Well, I'm running down
the road tryin' to loosen my load
I've got seven women on my mind,
Four that wanna own me,
Two that wanna stone me,
One says she's a friend of mine
Take It easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand and take it easy

Well, I'm a standing on a corner
in Winslow, Arizona
and such a fine sight to see
It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford
slowin' down to take a look at me
Come on, baby, don't say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love
is gonna save me
We may lose and we may win
though we will never be here again
so open up, I'm climbin' in,
so take it easy
Well I'm running down the road
trying to loosen my load,
got a world of trouble on my mind
lookin' for a lover who won't blow my cover,
she's so hard to find
Take it easy, take it easy
don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy
come on baby, don't say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love
is gonna save me,
oh oh oh Oh we got it easy
We oughta take it easy

*Beautiful day!!....more pics to come of M & K's adventures :)*
EDIT-- I removed the auto playing of Takin it easy -EAGLES...I originally did it to round out the whole experience....but I also know how irritating this can be when you cant find the source to turn it down or OFF....sorry peeps....


Friday, January 06, 2006

Why I Don't do the Bungee Scene :)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

NEW WeeklyActivity :)

So, other sites have little activities that keep me coming back for more....Fear Fridays, Raise your hand if, More about U Mondays, Take-a-Pic Tuesdays...and of course we can't forget the most important!! --> HNT!!!!

I thought I would start a weekly POLL for people to give their input into. I plan on taking suggestions, comments and/or views to create these POLLs.....so join in the fun and 'throw me a bone here , scott!!"

& now, w/out further delay, this weeks POLL.......

My workmate......he claims his real name is 'David',
but I think he is Stewart French
(U may know him from third Rock from the Sun).....he's at my workplace on assignment...getting into character for his next gig........
Tell me what you think?!?! Take the POLL -->