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Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Have you ever...

1. had sex with someone ten years older or younger than you? Yes...in college, I was bartending at the Raddisson... & the lead bartender 'TOM' had some great weed....the catch was,however, I found out after we got to his house, that it was a barter exchange deal....not a "come on over and Ill sell you some"....I know...so soo naive.....

2. drawn from a nude model? YES, in college...I specifically took that class because I found out this hottie was a model for it.

3. had sex at a company Christmas party? NOT the xmas party...but rather a summer BBQ.....my hubby & I first hid in this gigantic closet as a joke to spy on the other party goers that came in and out of the room. Well......what else are you going to do when you are 'waiting' on the next person !?? LOL

4. had a blind date? NO

5. slept with a teacher? NOPE

Bonus (as in optional): had sex with someone within an hour of meeting them? Not that I can remember......but there are some REALLY fuzzy party memories from my earlier daze!

Okie dokie, answer in comments or in your own BLOG and link up to
HERE. Feel free to expand on your answers. The juicier the better ....right ?!?!

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Blogger bricotrout said...

#1, but who was the older? you or him??
#2, this would have made the better story if it was HIM that you ended up nailing within the hour of meeting him. because, the class does last 50 minutes right? lol

Tue Jul 18, 11:51:00 AM MST  
Blogger •♥•m•♥• said...

LOL.....Tom was older....

and yeah...I guess that wouldve made a much better story...but I think he was gay... they guy next to me and him were being all googly during the breaks....LOL

Tue Jul 18, 12:37:00 PM MST  
Blogger Nihilistic said...

I can't do it on my own blog...haha...I just can't...well...I guess I could...

Tue Jul 18, 06:41:00 PM MST  
Blogger Malifacent said...

THE CLOSET!!! Come on out of the CLOSET!!! LOL!!! Too freakin' funny - he still remembers that - it was just mentioned not that long ago in conversation about how we all used to hang out. Oh the memories.

Wed Jul 19, 01:19:00 AM MST  
Blogger •♥•m•♥• said...

Nihilly!....U must...and I will be checking ....

GE....yeah....good times.....good times......yeah.....toast....LOL

Wed Jul 19, 12:54:00 PM MST  

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