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Sunday, January 15, 2006

This Weeks "I want to Know" Poll

Are U a comment Whore?

O (father of HNT) recently posted his discontentment regarding blogging behaviors on Half-Nekkid Thursdays. Behaviors mentioned included:

  • Bloggers who scan HNT postings for porn pics
  • Only commenting on sites that have Boobies or Buns
  • Bloggers not reading the "history" behind the HNT pic.
  • Comments that make no sense because they are of a "cut & post" variety.
  • Lurking and not commenting at all.
  • Comments which were obviously a result of zipping to the bottom of the comments and quickly adding "HHNT" or some other generic remark....
  • Comments which ask questions that are previously answered by the poster a few comments back.
  • Comments from people who only come out of the network on HNT.

The responses O got on this posting varied from:

  • I only have a little bit of time to get thru all HNT's, so I scan.
  • Some of the stories are too long to read.
  • If its interesting I'll comment, otherwise not really anything new to say.
  • I go thru my favorites & comment, the rest I TRY to,but may not.
  • I take the time to read & comment. It means more to some than others.
  • I don't rush thru just to comment, if I get to them all, I will...the important thing is to write something that applies to their picture.
  • I look forward to reading comments from my regular visitors..the others who show up on HNT only kind creep me out.
  • Alot of people confessed to rushing thru & but vowed to slow down.

I created a poll that basically asks WHY U BLOG? -->

Some people write because they need a place to vent.
Others live in remote locations & depend on their blogfriends for interaction. Some care what others think and write with censorship. Others keep separate BLOGs...one because close friends and family read it and the other where they can let go and really say whats on their mind, anonymously. I visit some BLOGs that don't allow comments. They say what they want and move on.
Which leads me to my last ponderance. Why do we need comments? Are some people addicted to these responses? Have they created another identity on the net? Is this identity one that their daily friends and family do not know?

Would those who adore us on paper feel the same in person? Is there a safety net that allows us to just BE in our BLOGs? Be that person we want to be but are afraid or not allowed to be IRL? Is this a new Psychological phenom? Really, think about it....what did jounalists do before the internet or email? They courageously put their thoughts down on paper without the instantaneous opportunity to interact with their readers.

so....on that note, I needs some BLOG-LOVE!......GO TAKE the POLL...I gotta KNOW! .....NOW!



Blogger Nature Girl said...

This is a very interesting pole..I will be anxious to see why others blog. I had 3 answers that applied to me. Stacie

Sun Jan 15, 06:38:00 PM MST  
Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I comment when I think I have something relevent or funny to say.
Obviously I don't comment much.
I don't know why HNT started, nor do I care.
It doesn't matter to me if you have halfnaked, fullnaked or .00001% naked pics.
I go by interesting and funny.
If you just happen to be easy on the eyes, cool. If not, who cares I like you. I just haven't linked you yet.

Sun Jan 15, 08:04:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think for some people their reason for blogging depends on the subject matter of each individual post.

Sometimes I poor my heart out... these post are for me. Sometimes on these posts people leave comments for me that give me a different perspective on the situation... thus improving my outlook dramatically.

HNT... more and more these have become a personal challenge. The sincere compliments used to be nice but don't hold the same appeal as they once did. I participate in HNT as a weekly activity to partake in with friends and exercise my creativity. What other do and what motivates them (like getting to check out tatas) is their problem not mine and I won't let that detract from my enjoyment.

A small amount of post I have done I was specifically in search of comments (some may remember the video with my daughter rocking out) for one reason or another. But this is not my motivation for blogging.

My motivation for blogging is all about me. Though the interaction that stems from it is priceless and a wonderful added benefit.

Woah... this is winded I'll stop now ;)

Sun Jan 15, 08:18:00 PM MST  

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