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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Happy Birthday to BELLA :)

My little Bella turned 5 yrs today!

Her little surprised face looks as if she's thinking....

"It's my birthday?? 5...WHAT!....oh where do the years go" !?!?!

Her older sister Pebbles (below) turned 8 this past June!!! ...Hard to believe....

I don't have any human children.......but its true how the the years fly as we get older. So much has happened in the 8 years that lil ms. Pebs has been in my life.......the unconditional love a pet provides is unequal !! The worst of the worst day is all erased when U open the door and they greet as if you have been gone FOREVER!!!

Everyone.....go give your pup a snuggle in honor of Bella's birthday :)
**Small edit.....The sandals in the pic with Pebbles.....(my favorite) have been the latest victim of the Zoester....she decided to chew right thru the toestrap!.......They are beyond repair......I am sooooo bummed! I love the little destruction machine....and I guess its her way of telling me to go shoe shopping :) LOL



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