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Friday, September 02, 2005

They Pulled the HURRICANE card...going to hell!

Okay......when I heard this ....I immediately thought ...this org. (if I knew the name I'd put it in here ...BOLDED and in RED)..but I dont.....so.......

They are going to hell!! for pulling the hurricane card! Stuart...(friend of mine, pictured above), had ordered some photography films to be shipped to him to take to a client in Aspen, CO and asked that they be expedited. NO problem, the customer service person said.;....we will send them out to reach you by wed am. Stubie thought.....okay......get shipment.....work my photographer magic and ship out to client...........called client....assured them it will arrive there by FRI.

So.....what day is it today??? FRIDAY!! where is the "expedited shipment"? NOT at STU's house.....I can tell you that much. so.....wed eve, he calls and they gave some bullsh*t about the package is on its way. He checks the 'puter website for the said "shipper" and it was never expedited out!! ......CALLS the org. back ........explains he is aware of their f*ck up.....and demands they reship another order.....and credit back the shipping costs.......

This is where it gets good......they claimed it was out of their hands......."THE HURRICANE" was to blame for the delay.......

Stu checks the website again.......IT NEVER LEFT THE ORG !!!! when they said it did........UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

Definately going to hell.......LOSERS!!!!

okay...I feel better........ :) **back to the books


Blogger bricotrout said...

he looks a bit like me.
actually he looks like mr mcdonald who plays a character named stuart on MAD TV

Sat Sep 03, 07:03:00 PM MST  

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